16 free to use Promethean Interactive Flipcharts for Primary Schools.
For use on Promethean Whiteboards only.
These resources are Flipchart files compressed into .zip format for quick downloading.

Double Function Machine
Two operation function machine with options to hide numbers and set all operations and numbers.

Mr Pips Fruit Balance
This drag and drop balance scales simulation is an open ended application that teachers can use to support mathematical learning in a variety of different ways.

Alien Weigh In
This drag and drop weighing scales simulation gives pupils the opportunity to apply the skills of accurately reading scales in a motivating way.

Magic Number Cauldron
Using a Macbeth style backdrop ingredients are added to the witches cauldron to make a number spell The activity needs supporting via teacher questioning but the basic objective is to work out the function of each ingredient.

Number Venns
This drag and drop Venn Diagram simulation gives pupils the opportunity to solve a mathematical problem based on number properties using a range of different Venn diagrams.
There are 5 different levels involving a range of multiples and number properties. The three core layouts cover simple separate sets, two intersecting sets and a three way intersecting Venn.

Number Balance KS1
An activity for developing understanding of simple equations. Hide individual numbers or symbols as you wish. Designed for teacher led investigations.