15 Key Stage 2 Science interactive teaching resources for Primary/Elementary Schools, Ages 8-11 years.
Science games for kids, interactive science resources and activities for your IWB, PC or Mac. Learning science facts about light, variation, magnets, springs, earth, sun and moon, changing states, materials, life cycles, habitats, minibeasts and our body with these great educatonal kids games.

Moving and growing
Finding out how you move and grow. Can you label the human skeleton? When you've finished move onto the animal skeletons.

Variation - Grouping
Do you know which groups living things belong to? Look at the plants and animals as they go past. Can you drag them into the correct groups?

Magnets and Springs
Magnets have north poles and south poles. These attract each other. But two north poles will repel each other, as will two south poles.
When a spring is stretched or squashed, it creates a force.

Earth, Sun and Moon
What does a year look like in space? Find out more about the Earth, Moon and Sun.
The Earth travels around the Sun.
The Moon travels around the Earth.
Day and night are caused by the Earth spinning on its axis.

The application consists of two sorting activities and one writing frame to support work towards the end of the unit. There three sections as follows:
1) Sorting plants and animals into distinct sets.
2) Sorting animals by own criteria.
3) Recognising and explaining similarities and differences in living things.
Variation 2c lesson outline

Changing State Ice and Water
Solid, liquid and gas are called the three states of matter. Materials can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling. See what happens when you cool and heat water and ice. Try not to blow anything up!

Materials Characteristics
Materials have different properties that make them useful for different jobs.
Learn about :
Material properties, Metals, Plastics, Glass, Wood and Fabrics.

Pupils can research information about teeth types, tooth structure and tooth decay.
Teeth lesson outline

Healthy Eating
Use an information panel where pupils can research details about food groups and a balanced plate approach to a healthy diet.
Balanced Plate lesson outline

Food Chains
An information panel to explains the terms used in, and concepts behind, food chains. There are then three different habitats where food chains are constructed from a few of the organisms found there.
Food Chains 6a lesson outline

Changing State
This resource consists of a labelling activity, an animation of the water cycle followed by another labelling activity.
Changing State 5d lesson outline

Minibeast Classification.
This is a KS2 science resource designed to support QCA unit 4B habitats where children should use a simple key to identify organisms.

Life Cycles
There are two labelling activities and one sorting task to support work towards the end of the unit. There three sections are as follows:
1) Labelling a life cycle diagram of a flowering plant.
2) Sorting plants by method of seed dispersal.
3) Labelling the reproductive organs of a flower.
Life Cycles 5b lesson outline

The activity consists of a sorting activity, a writing frame to support work on identifying similarities and differences and a minibeast identification activity.
Habitats 4b lesson outline