4 Key Stage 1 R.E. interactive teaching resources for Primary/Elementary Schools.
Religious Education interactive kids games & resources for your IWB, PC or Mac. Learn about Harvest festival, Church features, Jewish terms and Seder Plate.

Church Labelling
This application consists of a drag and drop labelling exercise for some notable features commonly found inside a church.
By clicking on each photograph, pupils can access a summary information panel about that particular item. Labels can then be dragged to the corresponding photograph.
matching lesson outline

Harvest Photobook
This is an electronic book to support teachers in delivering the QCA RE Unit on Harvest. A selection of photographs are used to introduce the idea of harvest words and a Harvest Festival. Audio support is given and the book provides a simple navigation system that the pupils will normally be able to use by themselves.
HarvestBook lesson outline

Jewish Beliefs - Matching
Integrated with the Glossary (also available separately) this activity challenges pupils to match pictures against the Jewish term. This resource will support independent learning and the integrated use of ICT.
match lesson outline

Jewish Beliefs - Seder Plate
By clicking on different food items on the plate, pupils can find out about the food and its symbolic significance at the Seder meal. This resource will support independent learning and the integrated use of ICT.
Seder Plate lesson outline