7 PSHE Links
(Click the resource image to open the link)

Drinkaware for Education
Using videos, lesson plans and a range of activities, Drinkaware for Education addresses emotional health and peer pressure, as well as the harms and risks commonly associated with alcohol.

101 Quality Hearing Loss Resources
These sites have great information for speech therapists, those looking to study speech therapy, and even individuals seeking speech therapy or another type of communication therapy or coaching.

Walk 4 Life
A project supported by Walk England aimed at children 8-11 years old. There are curriculum links to geography, maths, ICT, health and citizenship. There is a short guide with examples of how the resources can be used in the classroom.

Sunshine Sam
‘Fun in the sun with Sunshine Sam’ is an online storybook from Boots that helps children understand the importance of being safe in the sun.

What does it mean to be deaf?
An interactive slideshow to raise awareness of the ways deafness affects people and methods of communication.

Experience a trip to the park where you will meet lots of different characters and experience many different situations.