10 Geography Games for Kids. Key Stage 2, Primary/Elementary, Ages 8-11 Years.
Geography interactive teaching resources for your IWB, PC and Mac. Play the US Map Game and test your knowledge of US States. Help your child learn with these free fun children’s games and activities.

US Map Game
This drag and drop game tests knowledge of the location, shape and size of various states within the USA. Instant feedback is given along with a score of the time taken.

A Village In India
This application consists of three parts. The photographic annotation section allows for the easy annotation of images of a typical Indian village. Section 2 is a map labelling activity, for whole class & independent work. The third section, home comparison is an open-ended research and writes activity that uses images to compare village homes in India and England.
India lesson outline

Coastal Features Jigsaw
Five photo jigsaws based on the topic of Coasts.
Customize using the picture, style, number of pieces and rotation features.

River Features Jigsaw
Seven photo jigsaws based on the topic of Rivers. Customize using the picture, style, number of pieces and rotation features.

Investigating Coasts
A simple three part activity comparing, annotating and labeling coastal features using photos and diagrams.

Rivers Wordsearch
Can you find these terms that are used when describing river features?

Rivers Word Drop
Try to arrange the letters into the correct order to spell the word before they reach the bottom.

Rocks & Valleys Gallery
12 photographs illustrating rocks, valleys and geological features form the U.K and around the world. By kind permission of GEOPHOTOS.

Coasts Gallery
10 photographs coastal features form the U.K and around the world. By kind permission of GEOPHOTOS.